富貴 -富於心,貴於情。 富貴 是心靈的富足,心之所向,身之所往。生活因此 富貴 。 富貴 是情誼的珍貴。天地綿長,情誼如詩。生命因此 富貴 。我們致力於藝術文化的推廣,將藝術與生活結合,目前設有兩館別,分別為鶯歌 富貴館 、富貴 三義館 。兩館皆設有 藝術餐廳 ,將美食與藝術融合,創造獨特的生活體驗。
富貴 -富於心,貴於情。富貴是心靈的富足,心之所向,身之所往。生活因此富貴。富貴是情誼的珍貴。天地綿長,情誼如詩。生命因此富貴。我們致力於藝術文化的推廣,將藝術與生活結合,目前設有兩館別,分別為鶯歌富貴館 、富貴三義館 。兩館皆設有 藝術餐廳 ,將美食與藝術融合,創造獨特的生活體驗。
The number of Japanese artists participating in the exhibition is six, with the word "san" as the core, focusing on the art of firewood in various production areas in Japan, and a writer who inherits the culture of the production area and innovative personal style, hoping to use their distinctive works , Presenting the similarities and differences of these writers, expounding the style and current situation of Japanese contemporary firewood art. The invitation of Taiwanese wood-fired artists includes senior and young creators. Through the long-term deep research of wood-fired works by creators, they present the unique personal cultural characteristics and style of Taiwanese wood-fired.